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Helping people reconnect to their authentic self   and live a life aligned with their true values.


'There is no growth in our comfort zone so be prepared to explore new depths and shake things up a little. We’ll be engaging with the whole of you. Your heart, mind, body and spirit. Be ready to move, breath, connect and grow!'


  • I help people to unlock their true core values.

  • I’ll help reignite ALIVENESS within you to live your life in every moment and feel connected to your authenticity.

  • Having you stretch beyond your limits and connect to what your heart desires, by shining a light on your values.

  • Set clear goals on what it is you want to achieve and bring more of into you life, someone to hold you accountable.

  • I will keep believing in the vision of who you are becoming and have you choose a life that is most fulfilling to YOU.

  • I’m not here to solve problems nor to look at the obstacles that get in the way but call you to the depth and truth of that place of who you are.


‘Values are like illuminating  signposts on our fulfilment path. The arrows that tell us which journey will hold the most fulfilment.’

‘I just wanted to say honestly Sophie I know we’ve just had 2 sessions, but I really feel like the path I’m on atm with you is the right one. Since establishing my values I can’t stop thinking about them and it’s making it easier for me already to make decisions about things that normally totally overwhelm me. Even though it is quite scary, I’m so ready to tackle it and I feel really supported by you and that’s a great feeling. Can’t wait for my next session.’




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